Massage - Stretch - Adjust



  • Blending the arts!

  • Muscle/Joint flexibility.

  • Increase range of motion.

  • Fitness performance & wellness.

  • MSA - Optimum solution!

The combination of massage stretching and great diagnosis from Dr. B really makes this an effective shop.
— Rob O. (Yelp)

Endurance pack

15 min. Massage

15 min. Stretch



(5) pack - MSA $114.00/month (5) pack - MSA $570.50

Energy pack ❌

(Unavailable @ the moment)

30 min. Massage

15 min. Stretch



(6) pack MSA $112.50 /month (6) pack - MSA $675.00

HSA & FSA cards accepted.

[Texas State law requires initial evaluation take place before an adjustment. See ‘First Chiro visit’.]

As someone who has banged up his body as a professional stuntman over the past 31 years, I am so glad I have found Dr. B and Massage + Chiro. They have helped me in pain relief, tightness, and injury recovery. Easy to get an appointment and super professional. I highly recommend it!
— Allen R. (Facebook)
DEEP Massage …..add $

DEEP Massage …..add $

To add DEEP/ Massage:

  • 15min. add $10

  • 30min. add $15

  • 60min. add $25

  • 90min. add $30

for Optimum Wellness & Performance !

(HSA/FSA cards accepted

Insurance usually covered with a referral from (Chiro-DC, MD, DO, PA, FNP, DPM, DDS/DMD). A diagnosis of medical necessity required. (acute or chronic condition).

Bones are not smart,
muscles hold the memory
— Dr. Lanny B. Brustein

Massage, Stretch, Adjust blends the absolute greatest combination of pain relief and wellness.

Massage will soothe muscles, work out the knots, kinks, and trigger-points.

Stretching allows for the ligaments and joint capsules to become more flexible.

Adjustments reset the small misalignments between vertebrae, reducing pain, discomfort, and increase in range of motion.

This MSA approach leaves one with a sense of overall limber relaxation and dynamic freedom.

Why we use the Massage-Stretch-Adjust approach?

No one consciously works out just one side of their body. They would feel ‘off’. One’s structure and muscles would end up looking uneven.

In any form of fitness training, we lift the same weight, same reps, and same sets symmetrically. In yoga, we stretch for equal amounts of time in both directions. Fitness training ingrains balanced muscles and symmetry.

So why do we constantly repeat bad asymmetrical patterns every day and every night for life? (Sleep, computer, couch, car)

Patterns are habits.

Habits become muscle imbalances (muscle memory).

These ‘bad’ repeated habits form muscle memory to muscles/tendons/ligaments and joint capsules forming weak spots to ‘remember’ the tighter side vs. the more comfortable side.

Bones drift to the shorter, tighter side, creating slight misalignments (subluxation) which build up pressure within each joint.

The joint capsules distended, building up its internal pressure (intra-articular) forcing pain/discomfort signals to the brain and in return, tighten muscles.

The muscles of the spine are mirror images. Repetitive habits reproduce muscle imbalances and result in asymmetry. One side of the spine can shorten, tighten, twist and bend while the other side will elongate and weaken.

These uneven soft tissues become irritated, inflamed and painful.

And that’s exactly why performing the Massage-Stretch-Adjust technique works best. By massaging out the kinks, knots, and trigger-points, muscles begin to loosen. Followed by stretching to elongate the tendons, ligaments and joint capsules.

At that point, the tissues and person are so relaxed that an adjustment is easier, more comfortable and will hold longer.

By applying the greatest of all three techniques, we help restore symmetry and re-balance muscle tone.

The more MSA (Massage-Stretch-Adjust) is performed, the greater the memory of flexibility and mobility are attained.

Bones are Not smart….

The comment earlier that “bones are not smart, muscles hold the memory” is accurate.

Bones do not have mechanized nerve endings causing self-induced motion. Bones do not decide to jump out of joint. Only muscles can cause movement between joints.

Joints are the ‘space’ between two or more multiple bones that face each other and allow for such movement.

Ex: The small bones in your fingers, articulate with each other creating a joint space and allows the finger to bend.

The same two small bones (finger or spine) are held extremely tight by the ligaments. Ligaments are super strong thick white bands of fiber that tie bone against bone.

The joint capsule, however, is a thick vacuum-sealed pressurized compartment of fibrous tissue filled with synovial fluid. The fluid is an inner lubricant allowing the bones to glide smoothly between them.

This wrapping (joint capsule-ballon) completely surrounds the ends of the bones creating the joint space filled with fluid.

Muscles and tendons:

Tendons are the tapered ends of a muscle that ‘anchor’ into the bone.

Muscles are comprised of cells and fibers designed to produce movement. Muscles ‘know’ and remember’ to contract, relax, stretch, elongate and hold a ‘state of tone’.

Muscle tone is created by repeated movement (ex: weight training, yoga…etc) in either a contracted or elongated fashion. The consistency of training resets the tone of muscle to hold its memory. (Muscle spindle cells and Golgi tendon organs).

Muscles, tendons, ligaments and joint capsules are extremely innervated by nerve endings. Each one of these tissues has specialized cells that can perceive pain, temperature, position sense, vibration, contraction and or elongation memory.

Each type of cell in the muscle, tendon, ligament and joint capsule relay a feedback loop of signals to the spinal cord—> Brain—>> back to the spinal cord—>> and back to these tissues causing muscle tightness, spasms, inflammation, ligament, and joint capsule pain.

Bones aren’t just smart….they’re brilliant!

Only the outer covering of bones is innervated by the periosteum. The periosteum is a ‘wrapping’ around each bone with a built-in feedback mechanism to inform the brain and surrounding tissues if there is irritation, inflammation, infection or fracture of a bone.

Bones are brilliant because if fractured, infected or inflamed….the inner bone cells (osteoclasts and osteoblasts) regenerate and heal new bone within 6-8 weeks.



All males/females are to keep underwear on during the massage.

We reserve the right to refuse service.

Comments, innuendos or sexual advancements toward our staff will result in immediate termination of treatment.

Please turn off all electronic devices unless medically necessary.