Arlin S.

I came to Dr. B with a severe pain in my neck and right shoulder. Having already lost a day of work, I couldn't take another hit to my lifestyle from my altered state.

I awoke, 2 days earlier, to an almost paralytic pain in the same impacted region. Hoping it would pass with time, I carried on as usual. By the 3rd day I was at a lost as to what was going on with my body and if I would be needing further testing and x-rays to understand the issue.

I was relieved with Dr. B's diagnosis! He even took the time to show me some educational presentations as to:

where I was being impacted,
what I was potentially suffering from,
his recommendation of treatment
and how he could facilitate such treatment.

I was thoroughly impressed with his services and his mature demeanor in helping me understand my ailment. Having gone through more than half of the treatment prescribed, I am feeling much better. I'm back to work and my normal exercise routines. I am sincerely thankful for Dr. B and his wonderful practice. I highly recommend him to those looking for a caring, knowledgable and full service Chiropractor.


Steve D.


Carolyn M.