Laura M.

“I had a bothersome injury that was not improving after 4 weeks of rest and I found Dr. Lanny while visiting the Austin area. Lanny took time to sit and listen to my history (professional vulnerabilities, history of injuries and athletic preferences). He provided a thorough assessment and transparently shared his diagnosis. I have never experienced being so listened to by a medical professional before! As I was visiting from out of town, Dr. Lanny made adjustments, applied other modalities to support healing and made recommendations for physical therapy. Approx 1 month later, I visited another chiropractor in my hometown, to learn that there were no adjustments to be made, as all the work Dr. Lanny had made were still holding. If you want to see a chiropractor that cares about getting to the root of a problem, go see Dr. Lanny.”


Kyler H.


Eric R.