Alan C.

“Short answer: He delivered exactly what he promised. Long answer: I am a farm hand turned veteran who’s used to physical intense labor. I had recently taken a job that required me to sit at the office desk for up to 12 hours a day. Thought “ergonomics” was just a buzz word used to charge you more for office furniture and my generation’s (millennial) way to talk about a hipster work spaces. I was sorely mistaken, within three weeks my neck locked up and I was having 9/10 pain. I was laying in bed popping pain killers like candy. I went through the responsible mantra of stretching, massaging, hot showers, and restricting my activities to not aggravate the injury. None of that helped. So I asked around and he was the one I was recommended to. The guy evaluated me straight forward. After doing initial physical tests and questions he gave an honest range of time and number of visits he thinks he needed. He said I think he said something along “I can do it in 3 visits, but 5 would be safe.” He was responsive to my feedback and his customer service is going to win you over.” 


Kathy G.


Oliver B.