Jay R.

“CRAZY!!! This guy is AMAZING!! I was experiencing Vertigo (never had this before) and thought my dizziness was related to my neck being out of whack. I was at the gym working out and was not feeling great at all. My heart was racing, a little dizzy, I was nauseous, my head hurt, and was very lightheaded. I left the gym early and went home to get in bed. After taking a short nap I tried going to work but I was still dizzy. I went to see Dr. Lanny, told him what was going on, and that I thought it might help to get my neck adjusted. Dr. Lanny listened intently and we ran through the entire gamut of what it could be and what could be causing my condition. We were concerned it could be neurological so he advised me that he was going to test me to see if I can get adjusted or if I need to go straight to the ER! The movements Dr. Lanny had me perform were much like a “field sobriety” test; walk straight line, fingers to nose, close eyes and put fingers together. He also had me do other neurological hand movement functions and then he put a tuning fork to the back of my ears to see if it made me dizzy. All of this he performed to ensure that I was in good health and safe to be adjusted, which I was (other than a slight bit off balance). Dr. Lanny’s diagnosis was BPPV (Benign Proximal Positional Vertigo) and it was caused by my reaching down onto the passenger’s floorboard to retrieve my workout gear, and sitting up too quickly. Basically, I got dizzy due to the blood pressure not being equalized quickly enough when I sat back up. My allergies, the lake water in my ears, and my being super tired also played a part in my Vertigo. HOLY SMOKES!!!!! After Dr. Lanny did the adjustment to my neck and my back he did something that made me laugh out loud with joy because of how AMAZING it was. He adjusted my EARS!!!! That’s right. With a napkin in hand, he put a finger in my ear, grabbed my earlobe, and yanked DOWN!! My ear popped! Literally, I heard the adjustment and popping of the ear. Then he did my other ear, the same thing. That slight adjustment to the bones in my ears helped the fluid drain from them and made the dizziness go away.....INSANE!! Had I gone to the ER instead of Dr. Lanny I would have gone straight to a brain scan. Dr. Lanny still embraces the “art” of medicine and of being a doctor. He listened to me, tested me (without any modern computers or technology), and he helped me feel better and understand what had happened and the cause. Thank you Dr. Lanny. You are one of the greats! PS. I am still going to take his advice and see my regular MD just to get a complete check-up.”


Murray G.


Alice K.