Michael M.

Dr. "B" is not just a doctor; not just a chiropractor.  He is someone who completely understands and has dedicated himself to the functions of anatomy & physiology and how it integrates with our overall well being.
I went to him after struggling with a frozen shoulder.  I was unable to lift my hand above my head with my arm straight or reach back for my seat belt without struggling to grab it.  Mundane everyday tasks such as washing my hair in the shower or even putting on a shirt, pullover or button-up, was a struggle that I'd unknowingly become accustomed to.  M.D.'s, and I've been to 3 of them here in Austin, all want to do shoulder replacement - I wasn't accepting that course of action.  Dr. Brustein evaluated and drew up a plan of attack for freeing up my shoulder.  If you are willing to dedicate yourself to getting better and are willing to accept the treatment, actions and advise of a Dr. such as him you'll be on your way to recovery or at the very least, relief.  I can't say there isn't a bit of discomfort involved because there is; I'll take temporary discomfort to relieve what really was a disability any day.
Thank you Dr. Lanny Brustein


Janice B.


Mishell K.